Criminology and Criminal Justice Comps Reading List


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Criminal justice professionals ardue east both consumers every bit well every bit producers of research.

Organized around both measurement and interpretation of crime.

Two Realities

Experiential reality: the things we yardnow every bit real from our direct experience.

a. E.g. If y'all step on a thorn, you know it hurts from your own experience.

Agreement reality: the things we consider existent becrusade everybody agrees they are real.

a. E.g. everybody agrees and considers the Earth to be round.

The Role of Science

Empiricism: the production of knowledge based on experience or systematic observation.

A scientific assertion must haveast both logical and empirical support.

a. It must logically make sense.

b. It must agreeast with observed reality.

Epistemology: the science of knofly or cognition.

Methodology: the scientific written report of methods used to understand something.

Personal Human Inquiry

Causal probabilistic reasoning is how we conduct personal human inquiry.

a. Due weste realizeastward that future conditions are acquired past present ones.

b. Crusade and effect are probabilistic in nature – the cause occursouth, just non always.

E.g. studying causes skillful grades in most instances, but not eastwardvery unmarried time.

Tradition is equanimous of the inherited body of knowledge that we accept from others.

a. Knowledge is cumulative and an inherited trunk of information makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to learn.

b. Hinders inquiry however by restricting point of view.

Haveance of new discoveries depends on the status or potency of the discoverer.

a. Authority can likewise pb to acceptance of mistakes.

b. Authorities may speak outside their realm of expertise.

Errors in Personal Human Inquiry:

1. Inaccurate observation is a problem as humans are sloppy natural observers.

a. Scientific observation is a careful, conscious, and deliberate activity.

b. Using measurement devices such as photographs guards against inaccurate observation.

two. Overgeneralization occursouth when we assume a few similar eastwardvents are eastwardvidence of a pattern.

a. Leads to oversimplification and misunderstanding of phenomena.

b. Tin exist accounted for past having a large stand forative sample to work with.

c. Replication involves repeating a study to run across if similar results are produced.

three. Selective observation of only future events that correspond to the pattern is a problem.

a. Due westeastward see those that makdue east sense or hold, and we ignore events that don't correspond.

b. Tin can exist addressed by specifying the number and type of observations to exist made.

four. Illogical reasoning occurs whenorthward an exception proves the rule.


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