Baby Pigs How to Take Care of a Newborn Pig

Originally published as PIH-18.

Authors: Duane E. Reese, University of Nebraska Thomas G. Hartsock, University of Maryland; W. Due east. Morgan Morrow, North Carolina Land University

Reviewers: Duane Miksch, University of Kentucky; Tilford R. Cline, Purdue University

Good care and management in the farrowing quarters has a major influence on the number of liveborn piglets that are weaned and on how well they perform in later stages of production. According to a 1995 survey of swine management practices in the The states, the average number of preweaning piglet deaths per litter on farms was .88 or 9.4% of those built-in alive. The two leading causes of preweaning deaths were laid on (48.7%) and starvation (20.v%). Other surveys have shown that over 50% of the deaths occur in the first two to 3 days of life.

A successful caretaker understands that newborn piglets have sure physical characteristics which make them very reliant on proper management and care. Piglets are born without whatsoever antibiotic protection, their bodies incorporate fat free energy for about one solar day of life, and they cannot regulate internal body temperature well until they are a few days old. Thus, anything that may atomic number 82 to a reduction in milk product or consumption, such every bit chilling or exposure to disease organisms, compromises the health and well-being of newborn piglets.

Piglets built-in live fall into two wide categories—normal and disadvantaged. Information technology is important to recognize the difference betwixt normal and disadvantaged piglets so appropriate assistance tin be provided. Normal piglets will be born apace, go on their feet inside a minute or two and be suckling in well-nigh fifteen minutes. They move from teat to teat, taking a disproportionately large share of the well-nigh concentrated, immunoglobulin-rich colostrum. If the sow is a adept mother and the farrowing environment is adequate, normal piglets thrive without much help from the caretaker.

Disadvantaged piglets are ones weakened by the rigors of the nascence process, are lightweight, have a congenital defect(s), are slow reaching the udder, or are chilled. Piglets weakened during the birth process include those that were oxygendeprived but non killed, "credible" stillbirths that were revived, and piglets experiencing excessive physical trauma. The longer a sow takes to farrow the greater the chance these problems will appear. Lightweight piglets, especially those weighing less than 2.75lb at birth, are much less probable to survive to weaning than heavier piglets. Splayleg is a mutual congenital defect observed in disadvantaged piglets. Disadvantaged piglets are also slow in getting on their feet and to the udder. Their weakened state compromises their ability to compete with stronger, normal litter mates for access to teats during the kickoff hours later on nascence. This reduces their intake of colostrum. Chilled piglets often experience a lower core body temperature which makes them susceptible to death. Often these piglets are seen shivering and huddled with litter mates, because their thermal requirements have not been met. This fact sheet describes management practices that should increase the number of piglets weaned also as their ability to perform well in subsequent stages of product. Some of these practices are meant for all piglets in the litter, whereas others are mainly for disadvantaged piglets. There is a general time frame in which information technology is most desirable to perform many of these techniques.

Attended Farrowings

Research indicates that attending and assisting at farrowing tin increase piglet survival and the number of pigs weaned. Past being present at farrowing, one can quickly identify disadvantaged piglets and begin to assist them. However, each producer should weigh carefully the costs and benefits of supervised farrowings. Having many litters to supervise at one fourth dimension (through batch farrowing or continuous farrowing in a multiple farrowing room complex) makes more than efficient use of labor.

Forestall Chilling

The farrowing quarters need to provide two different microclimates: a absurd one for the sow (60-65°F) and a hot one for the newborn piglets (85-95°F the commencement few days, then decreased to the 70-80°F range). To accomplish this goal, maintain a room temperature at approximately 65-seventy°F and provide zone heating for the litter.

Closely monitor the sow and litter'southward responses to the zone heating to ensure their thermal needs are met. If the amount of heat provided by the zone heaters is excessive, piglets will move abroad from the estrus source. This not merely wastes power merely can cause the sow to become also warm and increment piglet mortality. The thermal needs of piglets are met if they are lying in a prone position gently touching each other. If they are piled, attention should exist given to providing more than heat.

Provide zone heating in the farrowing quarters beginning 24 hours before expected farrowing. Rut lamps, oestrus pads, radiant oestrus devices, and hovers are common ways to provide zone heating in farrowing houses. Many times, however, the zone heating is placed simply to the side of the sow in the creep area. Inquiry indicates that having an additional estrus lamp placed at the rear of the sow during farrowing reduces piglet mortality. The actress heat source assures the piglet of immediate warmth following birth. The central is to take the supplemental heat directed backside the sow before farrowing and until farrowing is completed. If in that location is no actress heat present behind the sow during farrowing, position disadvantaged piglets in a heated area immediately after birth.

Colostrum Intake

The starting time milk, colostrum, is rich in disease-preventing immunogloblins; the very first colostrum is the richest and best, considering the quality of colostrum declines over time. Getting a skillful dose of colostrum, especially from the piglet's dam, is probably the single about important gene related to a piglet's survival and long-term health. Strong, early-born piglets get to the udder hours earlier their later-born litter mates and go from teat to teat taking the best colostrum. Thus, disadvantaged piglets often demand assistance to obtain plenty colostrum. Below are some methods to ensure piglets obtain an acceptable dose of colostrum.

  • Prevent spooky so piglets stay warm and active.
  • Split suckle. This involves removing part of the litter for one to two 60 minutes periods the get-go 12 hours after farrowing. For best results, remove the largest, strongest piglets for a one to ii hour period during the morning and again in the afternoon, leaving the small-scale piglets on the sow to nurse. Give the sow 20-thirty U.S.P. units of oxytocin (1 to 1.5ml) each time the largest piglets are removed. Exist sure to hold the large piglets in a box fitted with supplemental rut to prevent chilling. Use this technique to ensure high colostrum intake earlier crossfostering.
  • Collect colostrum from the sow or obtain moo-cow colostrum and give it to piglets via a stomach tube or a syringe. To milk a sow, remover all her piglets for i hour. Then give her twenty-30 U.s.a.P. units or 1 to 1.5ml of oxytocin, wait one or two minutes, and so strip her teats (front teats are better be cause they produce more milk) to obtain colostrum. Cow colostrum too tin be used and may more hands obtained. Either type of colostrum can be frozen in ice cube trays for future utilize. How ever, do not thaw the cubes in a microwave oven, considering rapid thawing reduces the immunological value of the colostrum. Stomach tubes can exist made from model airplane fuel tubing or by using a urinary catheter (size 14 French) bachelor from medical supply stores. Attach the tube to a syringe and lubricate the tube with vegetable oil or KY jelly earlier inserting it 6-7 inches into the piglet's stomach. Give the piglet 10-15ml of colostrum once or twice during the start 24 hours of life.


The everyman piglet mortality is observed in high birthweight litters with low within-litter piglet weight variation. Crossfostering is the nigh effective mode to reduce inside-litter piglet weight variation. The chief purposes of crossfostering is to reduce the weight variation within the litter and to more evenly match the number of piglets with the sow's ability to heighten them (adamant by the number of functional teats).

Crossfostering should be practiced advisedly to accomplish best results. A good crossfostering program makes milk supplies more available to all piglets and does not compromise the health status of the piglets in segregated early on weaning (SEW) programs. Beneath are important tips to ensure good results from crossfostering.

  • Ensure piglets that will exist crossfostered eat colostrum from their dam. Allow piglets to remain with their dam for at least four to six hours post-obit birth before they are crossfostered. Otherwise, it is likely the fostered piglets will not eat an adequate amount of colostrum, particularly if they are fostered to a sow which farrowed one to 2 days previously.
  • Crossfoster piglets earlier they are 24 to 48 hours onetime. Piglets found teat allegiance (preference for a teat) within the first days after nativity and will almost always suckle at the same teat or pair of teats until weaning. It is an advantage for piglets to found teat fidelity, because information technology reduces competition and fighting at the udder. When teat fidelity is not established, piglets fight more throughout lactation and have poorer weight gains. Crossfostering after teat fidelity is established is confusing and induces fighting between resident and fostered piglets. An exception to this rule is the fostering of 1 of a pair of piglets standing to dispute a single teat location.

In SEW programs where maximum weaning age is important or in PRRS-positive herds, crossfostering piglets after they are 24-48 hours old places them at take a chance of coming into contact with a nurse sow shedding pathogens against which the piglets received no colostral immunity. Therefore, disease may pass from the nurse sow to the piglets.

Some producers have successfully transferred older, small piglets to nurse sows following early on weaning of the nurse sow's litter. In these instances, be sure the weaning age of the fostered piglets does not exceed the maximum weaning age prepare for the farm.

  • Choose modest, docile sows with small, slender nipples of medium length to raise below- average-weight piglets.
  • Observe for the presence of illness problems in the farrowing quarters earlier crossfostering. This is important to reduce the spread of disease. Avoid moving a healthy piglet to a diseased litter or vise-versa.
  • Transfer males rather than females when replacement animals are retained from within the herd. Otherwise, accuracy of female selection may be reduced and gilts reared by foster dams take poorer reproductive operation.

Processing Piglets

Processing piglets includes clipping teeth, clipping and treating the umbilical cord, fe administration, tail docking, identification, treating splaylegged piglets, providing supplemental nutrients, and castration. These skills tin be performed in different means and in the sequence of personal preference. Some producers elect not to perform all these procedures, or they adopt to filibuster some of them for three to four days to reduce stress on the very fragile one-day-old piglet. Those who operate pasture farrowing systems tend to do all their processing of piglets during the starting time day after farrowing, because the piglets are easier to take hold of. Producers recording mortality rates from nativity to weaning in excess of 15% may consider delaying teeth clipping, tail docking, and castration of smaller piglets for a few days.


Have all the equipment you need to procedure piglets arranged in a hand-held carrier which can be attached to a sus scrofa cart preferably on wheels. Supplies and equipment needed to process piglets every bit described in this fact canvas are: disinfectant, such as chlorhexadine (Nolvasan®) or quaternary ammonium compounds; antiseptic, such as tamed iodine (U.s.P. 1 to 2.5% solution), usually in a spray bottle; side cutters; supplemental iron; syringe with xviii to 20 gauge, 1/2 to 5/8 inch needles and a 14-16 guess ane to one 1/2 inch needle (optional); string or plastic clips for tying off umbilical cords; V-ear notcher or modest animate being tattoo pliers; adhesive, elastic or duct tape cut in 1/2 to three/4 inch strips; castration pocketknife or scalpel; shallow container for disinfectant in which to put the cutting edge of instruments betwixt uses.

Disease Transfer

While processing piglets, take steps to minimize transfer of disease. This tin be done by processing ill litters last, cleaning and disinfecting the box or cart you use to transport piglets when you end for the twenty-four hour period or before you movement to some other room to process, and dipping instruments into a disinfectant after you take processed each piglet. Be certain to change the disinfectant daily or after processing every 10th litter, whichever comes offset.

Personal Safety

Figure 1

Be conscientious when removing piglets from the farrowing quarters. Sows oft try to bite or grab you to protect their litter. Always have the farrowing crate or another sturdy sectionalization between you and the sow earlier you attempt to selection upward a piglet.

Belongings the Piglet

Hold the piglet so you can cut the teeth, tail, and umbilical cord and administer iron in very rapid succession without changing your grip. For a correct-handed person: place your left pollex into the crease exist-hind the piglet's correct ear almost midway from top to bottom. Maneuver your left index finger across the front of the piglet'due south face and into the corner of the left side of its rima oris, behind the needle teeth. Your left thumb will end up either behind the piglet's ears or in forepart of them depending upon the length of your fingers (Figure 1). Beware not to choke the piglet by pressing the rest of your fingers into its throat. Use the fingers nether the jaw to support some of the piglet's weight. Dangle the piglet in forepart of you, and information technology volition struggle less than if y'all pull it against you lot. You tin also sit and support its weight on your knees if necessary.

Umbilical Cord Care

Figure 2

The umbilical cord, which enables the fetus to obtain nutrients from the dam and miscarry wastes during pregnancy, usually does not require much attention. While it is possible that bacteria and viruses tin travel up the cord afterward the piglet is born and cause infection or that piglets tin can bleed excessively from it, these situations are rare.

Figure 3

If excess bleeding occurs from the umbilical cord, tie it off immediately with string using a square or surgeon's knot (Figure 2) or clamp information technology with a commercially bachelor plastic clip. Seldom exercise newborn piglets need to have their umbilical cords tied or clamped. Sometimes newborn piglets bleed excessively immediately after the umbilical string breaks, peculiarly if it breaks shorter than iv to 5 inches. The loss of blood may cause the piglet to perform poorly or die. The cause of the excess bleeding could exist due to a failure of the piglet's clotting mechanism.

If the cord is not dried upwards just fresh at the time of processing, cut it off with disinfected side cutters. If the umbilical cord has been tied, yous tin can leave about ane inch. Get out three or 4 inches if the umbilical string has not been tied; check for bleeding. Apply iodine antiseptic by swabbing, spraying, or dipping. The dip method requires placing the umbilical cord within the antiseptic bottle and shaking gently. Any of these methods is satisfactory, but be sure to get good coverage of the umbilical string. Utilize disinfected side cutters and a fresh iodine solution (changed daily if dipping or swabbing, since iodine solutions break down in the presence of organic thing). A contaminated iodine solution might really cause an infection.

If the cord is dry and shriveled, it is not necessary to treat. Just cut it off, leaving one to three inches of cord. (Figure 3).

Needle Teeth Clipping

Figure 4

Figure 5

The newborn piglet has eight needle teeth, sometimes referred to as wolf teeth, located on the sides of the upper and lower jaws. Many producers clip these inside 24 hours afterwards birth to reduce the chance piglets volition lacerate each other and/or the sow's udder. Some producers have stopped teeth clipping entirely while others practice it as needed and they have not observed any serious problems. It seems less necessary to prune teeth of piglets nursing well-milking sows. However, in cases when sows are not milking well, or if greasy pig disease is a trouble, teeth clipping appears necessary for optimum results.

  • Employ sharp cutters without nicks in the blades. Otherwise, teeth will be crushed, which could pb to infection. Also, replace side cutters that take jaws that do not meet squarely. Avoid ordinary wire cutters as they oft are not made with the quality of steel necessary to cut teeth adequately.
  • Cut abroad one-half of the tooth. Do not remove the entire tooth and avert crushing or breaking it. Otherwise, an infection is possible or the piglet may not nurse well. Avoid cutting the piglet'due south gum or tongue. This will likely make it hard for the piglet to nurse.
  • Cut the teeth off flat and not at an angle. Piglets are not as apt to cause skin injuries when they fight if the teeth are cutting off flat. Wearable glasses or goggles to protect your optics from flying pieces of teeth.
  • Hold the piglet equally described previously, and identify sterilized side cutters over both the lower needle teeth on one side of the mouth with the flat side of the cutter to the glue line. Place the side cutters parallel to the gum, and cutting off one-half of the two lower teeth at once (Figure 4). Turn the side cutters over and cut the 2 upper teeth (Figure 5). Repeat on the other side of the mouth.

Tail Docking

Figure 6

The undocked tail is a very convenient target for tail biting or cannibalism. This leads to injury and possibly infection. To reduce tail biting, dock (or cut off) the tail of newborn piglets inside near 24 hours later on birth. Tail docking is usually required by purchasers of early weaned or feeder pigs. Information technology should be done within about 24 hours subsequently nascence because it is to the lowest degree stressful on the piglet for these reasons: the piglets are modest and easy to hold; at this age, littermates are less probable to investigate and nip or seize with teeth a newly docked tail; the piglet and farrowing quarters are still clean; and the piglet is well protected with antibodies from the colostrum of the sow. Yet, some producers delay docking the tails of male piglets in the litter until castration. The males are easier to find in a litter if their tails have not been docked.

Dock the tail virtually one inch (or width of your thumb) from the place where the tail joins the body of the piglet (Figure 6). Cutting the tail too curt could interfere with muscle activity effectually the anus later in the piglet'south life and could exist an aggravating cistron in rectal prolapse or rear leg paralysis. If too much tail is left, tail bitter might withal occur. Occasionally, a tail volition bleed excessively. If this occurs, necktie information technology off using the same method as for umbilical cords.

Use sterilized side cutters (nigh commonly used), a chicken debeaker, or a special heated cutter to cauterize the cutting tail. Exercise not use a very precipitous instrument, such as a scalpel, because backlog bleeding may occur. To cauterize properly, cut the tail slowly and so the hot blade has time to cauterize the tail as y'all cut. Cauterizing leaves a cleaner wound that bleeds less than when side cutters are used. Apply an antiseptic to the wound. The tail should be completely healed inside 7-10 days.

Supplemental Iron

Atomic number 26 is necessary to foreclose anemia in piglets. Iron deficiency anemia develops apace in nursing piglets because of low iron reserves in the newborn piglet, the low iron in sow'south colostrum and milk, the lack of contact with fe in the soil, and the rapid growth rate of piglets. With no access to soil, fe deficiency anemia may result within 7-10 days after birth.

Iron tin exist administered either by injection or orally. Injection is preferred considering atomic number 26 given orally is not every bit well absorbed by piglets, thus reducing the quantity of iron that reaches critical tissues. Oral atomic number 26 besides may predispose some piglets to enteric disease (scour) problems, because iron is a necessary nutrient for the growth of microorganisms in the piglet's digestive tract. In addition, oral fe may not be absorbed in piglets with diarrhea.

Administer fe to piglets while they are one to three days old. Give piglets 200mg of fe either equally one injection while they are one to three days old or in 2-100 mg injections—1 between one and three days of age and again at weaning. Injectable iron products are available in both the 100 and 200mg of iron/ml concentrations. Read the label carefully to larn the iron concentration of the product y'all are using. Practise non overdose, as too much iron tin be toxic.

Figure 7

Using a clean syringe, withdraw iron solution from its container, using a 14 or 16 gauge (large diameter) needle which is left inserted in bottle. The idea is to avoid using a contaminated needle to draw atomic number 26 from the bottle. Otherwise, foreign matter and pathogens will likely exist introduced into the bottle. Some producers determine to change needles afterward they have finished giving atomic number 26 injections to each litter. In this example, it is not necessary to use a unlike needle to draw iron from the canteen.

After filling the syringe, use an eighteen-20 gauge, 5/8 to one/2 inch needle to inject iron into the piglet's musculus. If at that place are air bubbling in the syringe, point the needle up, tap the syringe and push the air out. Inject iron into the neck muscle just off the midline (Figure 7). Iron should not exist injected into the ham. The injection should be given in the neck considering of possible sciatic nervus damage, scarring, and also, considering of residual iron stain in the carcass of market hogs if it is given in the ham. If the injection site is muddy, wipe information technology clean with an antiseptic earlier injecting. Be careful not to inject into the spinal area.

Injecting. Be careful not to inject into the spinal expanse. Pull or roll back the skin with your finger or bend the piglet's cervix sideways prior to inserting the needle. Insert the needle perpendicular to site and inject. If you have pulled or rolled the peel back or bent the piglet's neck to tighten the peel properly, when the needle is withdrawn, the pare will aid seal the injection site and runback volition be minimal. Consider placing a finger on the site momentarily to help foreclose or reduce runback if necessary. Be sure to inject the iron into the muscle, not merely below the skin.

For convenience, some producers mix diverse injectables together with iron and inject the solution into piglets while they are processed. This exercise is not recommended unless prescribed by a veterinarian, considering it is possible that the products could be rendered ineffective and possibly toxic to piglets.

Piglet Identification

Figure 8

Figure 9

In some pork producing operations, it is important that piglets be permanently identified at birth. Options for permanent identification included ear notching or tattooing. Ear notching is the more than mutual method. Each piglet must have a unique ear notch or tattoo in seedstock herds because it is a requirement for pedigree and performance records. It is not necessary that each piglet have an individual number in operations where all hogs except replacement gilts are marketed for slaughter. Each litter, or all piglets in a farrowing group, or only gilts to be considered for replacements might be ear notched or tattooed at birth with the same patterns.

The most common ear notching system is shown in Effigy eight. It is the identification system required past the purebred swine associations in the U.S. The litter number is notched in the piglet's right ear and the individual piglet number in the piglet's left ear. Several modifications of the system exist.

Use a Five-ear notcher designed for piglets to ear notch. Some producers utilize a hole puncher to identify a hole in one ear for identification. Firmly hold the ear you are notching and place the portion of the ear y'all are notching well dorsum into the jaws of the notcher (Figure ix). Notches that are too shallow may fill in, heal over, and be difficult to read. Leave at least ane-4th inch between notches. Do not make notches too close to the tip of the ear, every bit these tin can exist torn off. When you lot have notches on both top and bottom of the ear near the tip, position them so that the deep points of the notches are offset from each other. When making notches on peak of the ear close to the caput, uncurl the ear with your fingers and then you can brand it deep into the cartilage. Otherwise, it might be unreadable afterwards it heals.

Use tattooing pliers designed for small animals to tattoo piglets. Use the tattoo to the behind of the ear so it tin be read easily every bit the piglet grows. Be sure to utilise even pressure across the entire tattoo surface area (i.eastward., avoid the cartilage ribs in the ear). Avoid tattooing piglets with color on their ears, because the tattoo will be difficult to read. Light-green ink seems to piece of work the best.

Supplemental Nutrients

Many liveborn piglets die because they starve. Disadvantaged piglets are virtually affected because they cannot compete well for milk and they are most vulnerable to spooky. Producers tin can meliorate their survival rate by giving a supplemental source of nutrients the get-go few hours of life.

Provide disadvantaged piglets with ten to 15 ml of milk every 6 to 12 hours during the showtime day or two post-obit farrowing. The economic benefit of providing supplemental milk to piglets depends primarily on the preweaning survival charge per unit of piglets in the herd and on the anticipated profit from the piglet. In full general, if the average preweaning survival rate of piglets in the herd is over 90% and the market value of the piglets is depression, the cost of the actress labor to feed the pocket-sized ones may not exist recovered.

It is disquisitional that the commencement dose exist colostrum, especially if the piglet has not suckled. Colostrum from the dam is all-time, but obtaining information technology is time consuming. Commercial milk replacers have proven constructive after the piglets receive an adequate dose of colostrum. Some people use products containing medium concatenation fat acids (MCT) in lieu of milk, but research results on their effectiveness are mixed. Use a stomach tube or a syringe to requite the supplemental milk to the piglets.

Splaylegged Piglets

Splaylegged piglets appear to exist normal except when they endeavour to stand, their hind legs (and sometimes forepart legs) extend sideways. The condition appears to be a congenital illness with a higher incidence in litters with a 113 day or shorter gestation period. Also, a slippery floor in the farrowing quarters tin be an of import predisposing gene. Nutrition does not announced to play a part. The bloodshed charge per unit in piglets where only the back legs are splayed can be reduced past taping the legs before long after birth to forestall them from extending sideways. Piglets that are splayed in both their front and back legs often are non worth trying to salvage. Consider euthanizing them.

Use either elastic wrapping tape, adhesive tape, or duct tape. Obtain elastic tape from medical supply stores or veterinarian offices and adhesive record from sporting goods store or pharmacies. Cut the tape in ½ to iii/4 inch strips. Apply tape to the rear legs allowing a 2-inch gap between legs and then the piglet can stand properly. Avoid wrapping the tape too tightly as to restrict circulation of blood and be sure to remove the tape a few days later.


Castration, the surgical removal of the two testicles, is a routine management practise for male piglets destined for slaughter. The testicles produce sperm and the male hormone, testosterone. Pork from boars, or uncastrated male piglets at slaughter weight, may have an smell during cooking that is very offensive to many people. This is chosen a "boar smell" or a "boar taint".

There are diverse ways to desexualize piglets. The position of the animal during surgery and the method and degree of restraint are dictated by the age and size of the animal. The best time to castrate a piglet is when it is four to 14 days of age. Young piglets are easier to agree or restrain, bleed less from surgery, and have antibody protection from the sow's colostrum and milk. Piglets can exist successfully castrated when they are less than four days sometime; however, one of the major disadvantages of castrating very young piglets is that scrotal hernias are more hard to detect and the testicles may non have descended.

Examine each piglet carefully earlier castrating to identify those with a scrotal hernia. A piglet with a scrotal hernia has a loop of intestine in its scrotum. Hold the piglet upright and then the scrotum is down to see if the scrotum is uniform in size, or hold the piglet with its caput downwardly and squeeze the back legs together to lift the testicles. If there is an enlargement in one or both halves of the scrotum, the piglet probably has a hernia. Do not castrate the piglet unless you are trained to repair hernias. The piglet's intestines will be forced through the incision. Sometimes the testicle is removed before a scrotal hernia is discovered. If this happens, the herniation must be repaired by suturing immediately. Most scrotal hernias are genetic in origin. Do not keep replacement animals from whatsoever litter in which i or more piglets was herniated.

If one or both testicles are non found, the piglet may exist a cryptorchid. This means that the testicle(s) failed to descend through the inguinal canal from the abdomen during development. When this condition is noticed, ear notch or mark the piglet and make a record of information technology. Frequently, the testicle(s) will descend to a normal position equally the piglet grows. The piglet should exist castrated afterward the testicle presents itself. If i testicle has descended at the fourth dimension of castration, it should exist removed. Utilize either a surgical pocketknife or side cutter to castrate. The surgical knife can exist either a #12 hooked blade or straight blade. The instrument of pick must be abrupt and disinfected. If the scrotum is muddied, clean it and surrounding area with a cotton swab soaked in a mild disinfectant.

Castration Methods for One Person Using a Knif

Figure 10

Hold the piglet by both hind legs with its head downwards. Push up on both testicles and make an incision through the skin toward the tail (Effigy 10). Be sure to cut low in the scrotal sac to ensure proficient drainage. It does not matter if you cut through the white membrane or not. Popular the testicles through the incision and pull on them slightly. Pull each testicle out pressing your thumb against the pelvis of the piglet. Use of your thumb is very important to ensure the cord will pause off at the betoken of your pollex and not from deeper within the piglet's body. Otherwise, you lot may cause a hernia.

Alternatively, place the piglet's head between your legs after you have made the incisions as described in a higher place, catch each testicle and cutting the cord shut to the incision with a scraping motion. Also, cutting whatever string or tissue protruding from the incision and spray the wound with an antiseptic.

Castration Method for Ane Person Using Side Cutters

Figure 11

This technique is best performed on piglets between four and 10 days of age. There is little or no haemorrhage with this method. Hold the piglet between your legs with the belly outward. Employ your index finger, or whichever is comfortable to utilise, to push button upwards on one testicle to make it more pronounced. The resulting fold of pare is where the incision is made (Figure 11a). Position disinfected side cutters well-nigh two thirds of the way into the fold and make a cutting directly through the scrotal tissue (correct of the midline). Make a like incision through the scrotal tissue, but to the left of the midline. Pop the testicles out through the incisions by pinching your thumb and alphabetize finger together (Effigy 11b).

Printing very firmly with your index finger against the pelvis of the piglet in forepart of the scrotum and pull the testicles out with the side cutters (Figure 11c). Apply of your index finger is very important to ensure the cord will break off at the point of your alphabetize finger and not from deeper within the piglet's body. Otherwise, you may cause a hernia. Care is taken to avert cutting through the cords beneath the testicle. Remove any loose cord tissue left outside the incision. Nothing but the disinfected side cutters touches the exposed tissue. Spray the wound with an antiseptic.

Castration Method for Two People Using a Pocketknife

Figure 12

One person holds the piglet by the rear legs while another does the castrating. With one manus, tighten the pare over the scrotum to assist expose the testicle and the site for the incision. With the castration pocketknife, make 2 incisions virtually every bit long as the testicles almost the center of each (Effigy 12a ). Cut securely enough to go through the outside torso skin. It does not matter whether you cut through the white membrane (tunica vaginalis), which surrounds the testicle, or non. Squeeze, or pop, the testicles through the incision (Figure 12b ). Enlarge the incision slightly at the finish closest to the tail if the testicle will not pop out.

Pull out the finish of the testicle which is toward the tail at a correct bending to the length of the body and cut the cord close to the incision (Figure 12c). Do not pull straight up on the testicle. Repeat the process for the second testicle. Spray the wound with an clarified.

Mail service-Castration Care

Observe castrated animals for excess bleeding or the presence of tissue or intestines (hernia). Apply force per unit area to the wound for near ii minutes to cease whatsoever bleeding. Cut off any string that may be protruding from the incision every bit this may serve as a wick for infection, simply brand sure information technology is non intestine.

If intestines protrude and they are blackness or torn, it is usually best to euthanize the piglet. If the problem was recognized promptly after the intestines came out, it is possible to save the piglet. Commencement, gently clean the intestines with make clean, warm water containing a surgical disinfectant, and push them back through the opening holding the piglet'south head down by its rear legs. Close up by suturing the tunica vaginalis (white membrane which surrounds the testicle). If a skilled professional is not available to suture the tunica vaginalis, simply suture the castration incision closed to allow time for a skilled surgeon to repair the hernia properly a few hours later. If a skilled surgeon is not bachelor in a few hours, the piglet should exist euthanized. It is much easier to supervene upon the intestines if the tunica vaginalis covering the testicle is not removed during castration. Administer an antibiotic after surgery.

Equipment Care

Proper equipment intendance will help ensure that piglets will be processed with minimal discomfort and complications from infection. After each utilize, place equipment such every bit side cutters and ear notchers in a basin of nonirritating disinfectant. Do this rather than laying equipment on the cart or platform subsequently they take been used to process each piglet. Modify the disinfectant afterwards about every ten litters. Earlier moving to another farrowing room to procedure, clean and disinfect the cart and equipment. As well, check needles to ensure they are non bent or blunt on the end. Replace needles after they have been used on xxx-50 piglets or earlier if damaged. Dispose of needles in a sharps container.


Pork producers who utilise birth weights as part of their management system tin can incorporate the weighing into the piglet processing routine. Nigh piglets are non weighed at birth, but if they are, this should be done first, followed by the rest of the processing. Some producers weigh each piglet and record the sex and weight. Others identify the unabridged litter on the scales and tape full litter weight.


We recommend pork producers utilize production records to identify strengths and weaknesses in the operation. If issues are experienced in the farrowing quarters, these issues volition keep to propagate if authentic records are not kept. It is important to realize that reproductive traits are heritable. Record keeping allows superior sows to be identified and retained on the farm. This will lead to successive improvements in lactational operation which should atomic number 82 to fewer problems in the farrowing quarters. In addition, accurate records provide an important view of the animal caretaker's job performance. Records assist direction place people who are doing a good job (which may be rewarded) and they help identify weak areas that the flagman can work to improve.

Records kept in the farrowing quarters include: birth date, number of piglets born alive and expressionless, date and cause of death of piglets, full-blooded data, number of piglets weaned, and piglet (or litter) weaning weight. Remarks on anything unusual or wrong with the piglet should be noted too. In addition, many producers are recording feed intake during lactation. Medications given to animals should be recorded to ensure treatment protocols and withdrawal periods are followed.

Have cards, clipboards, or other recording devices near each farrowing crate or pen. Having the opportunity to tape data the moment it is collected or observed ensures accuracy. Always have a pencil or pen in your pocket and likewise with the equipment used to procedure piglets. Record information in ink whenever possible and applied. This makes the forms easier to read and ink besides withstands the surround of the farrowing quarters better. Also, record data in legible handwriting and make it a habit to write your initials beside the entry if more than i person routinely works in the farrowing quarters.

Daily Piglet Observation

Closely observe each piglet at least twice daily for show of adequate milk product by the sow. Careful ascertainment of piglet behavior and body condition is the best method of determining if a sow is milking well. Lactation failure must be treated aggressively and the litter may need to be given supplemental milk as the sow is recovering.

Healthy, well-nourished piglets run around and play, especially when the sow rises to eat. For the first few days of their lives, piglets do little more than eat and slumber. Yet, in a few days they begin to be active away from the udder. These activities are delayed in piglets that are sick or undernourished. Later a successful nursing, piglets volition often settle down and slumber. Milk is frequently seen around their mouths.

In the normal sow, milk ejection from the teats starts about one to iii minutes post-obit initiation of nursing beliefs (which occurs most once each hour in early lactation). And then oxytocin is released and milk letdown occurs. The piglets will nurse steadily for about thirty seconds then gradually quit. Piglets nursing a sow with lactation failure will spend more time at the udder, including fighting, and will exist less content. If the piglets' needle teeth have not been clipped, they can inflict severe impairment to the faces and snouts of litter mates and sometimes to the sow's udder.

Well-nourished piglets have tight, shiny peel and a thrifty await, i.east., "bloom". Piglets go from having less than 1% torso fat at birth to about 10% past x days of age. Much of that fat is stored just nether the skin. Information technology is that rapid accumulation of subcutaneous fat that gives piglets tight, shiny skin and a thrifty expect. Piglets that are not performing well, have loose peel, look depressed, and have a "hairy" advent.

Preventing Piglets' Exposure to Diseases

Preventing piglets from encountering disease agents (primary prevention) involves five basic areas: (1) source and treatment of master and replacement breeding stock, (ii) rules governing motility of people, vehicles, materials, and pigs, (iii) layout of the farm, (4) location of a new farm, and (5) cleaning the farrowing quarters and the sow.

Nosotros recommend producers divert more resources to chief and secondary prevention techniques. Less emphasis should be placed on the less effective and more than costly arroyo of using drugs and biologics to treat ill piglets. How much to divert and the response to expect volition depend on the electric current condition of the herd. A record program that can store the necessary data and let data retrieval in a usable format is the basis of an constructive health program.

Baby Pig Infectious Diseases and Treatment Protocols

The most important aspects of maintaining the wellness of piglets is to ensure they receive as much colostrum as possible and that they have a warm, typhoon-free environs. Regardless, piglets will dice of disease and the causes can exist broadly classified as those occurring regularly (endemic) or only occasionally (epidemic). Although the causes will vary by farm, the typical endemic illness will cause problems continually and contribute to a low-level "normal" neonatal bloodshed of 5-15%. Colibacillosis and Coccidiosis are frequently endemic diseases. In dissimilarity, a affliction such as Transmissable Gastroenteritis can cause an epidemic of neonatal losses up to 100% and final for many weeks.

Diagnosis. Determining the cause of neonatal pig losses is not easy because few diseases produce signs that are unique to the causative agent. For example, baby pig scours can be caused past a leaner, virus, or parasite and you lot cannot distinguish between them by the nature of the scours. Your veterinary tin assist yous in obtaining a diagnosis and recommending handling. It'southward expensive and wasteful to brainstorm treating if you're unsure of the crusade of the illness and so it is important to obtain a diagnosis and treat appropriately. For the experienced observer, some diseases which occur regularly on the farm tin be recognized by farm managers and treatment instituted equally soon equally the signs are recognized. However, if the piglets practice not respond to treatment, and so contact your veterinary to reassess the state of affairs and cheque the diagnosis.

Handling. Appropriate treatment will vary depending on the cause of the affliction. Provided the organisms are sensitive, antibiotics will usually alleviate a bacterial infection; however, antibiotics will not affect viruses or parasites. Sometimes antibiotics are recommended to help prevent secondary infection when the main infection is a virus or parasite. In these cases, the antibiotics practise not affect the organism causing the disease, they but help ensure that bacteria do not take advantage of the weakened piglet. Treatments for individual diseases are discussed below. Call back that all drugs must be administered according to characterization directions unless your veterinarian has directed yous to do otherwise.

Commonly Seen in Unweaned Piglets (Listed Alphabetically)

Clostridial Infections. The disease is caused when Clostridium perfringens, which is a normal inhabitant in the big intestine, becomes established in the small intestine. This usually occurs when the piglet has had insufficient intake of colostrum. Its severity will vary dependent on the blazon, A, B, or C (the most severe), simply piglets unremarkably develop a foul smelling diarrhea and many will dice. It is more commonly seen in piglets less than 7 days old. Antitoxins tin can exist injected into sows and piglets and oral ampicillin is unremarkably recommended.

Congenital Tremor. Most pork producers take seen newborn pigs with tremors and shaking muscles. It tends to come and go sporadically merely seems to exist more common in golden herds, where 80% of litters tin can have affected piglets. The disease is associated with infections with Pseudorabies virus, Japanese Encephalomyelitis virus, Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera) and Circovirus. It is also associated with hereditary disease in Landrace and Saddleback breeds or with organophosphate poisoning. Affected piglets must exist assisted to suckle and provided for until they abound out of the disease in a few weeks.

Greasy Pig Illness. (Exudative Dermatitis). Greasy pig illness is often a trouble in newly established gilt herds. The causative bacterium, Staphylococcus hyicus, infects the skin of a piglet and produces a toxin that amercement its liver and kidneys. A piglet is usually infected at, or soon afterwards, birth. Lacerations on the side of the face up, fabricated by unclipped needle-teeth as piglets scramble for the best teat on the sows' udders, are idea to exist the site where the bacterium often offset infects the piglet. The start clinical signs appear between four to 35 days when modest dark spots appear on the side of the face. Then, brownish scales develop on the underside of the piglet which, in serious cases, spread to cover the whole piglet. Severely afflicted piglets normally die and survivors do poorly. Affected herds tin suffer decreased growth performance for 12 months. The affliction is readily recognized by its typical appearance, and treatment is nearly successful when started as soon equally signs appear. Before antibody treatment is started, afflicted live piglets should be submitted to a laboratory to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus hyicus Greasy pig illness is difficult to control unless mange is first eliminated. The mange mites damage the pare and allow Staphylococcus hyicus to enter. Affected piglets should be given electrolytes orally because they become dehydrated rapidly. Some farms experiencing severe outbreaks have had success using an autogenous vaccine. The disease tin exist prevented by removing any sharp edges in the farrowing crate that may lacerate the piglets, cutting needle teeth, spraying the udder of the sow with an iodine based disinfectant, prefer an all-in/all out policy for the farrowing house and ensure the room is thoroughly disinfected and dry out before sows enter.

Sometimes Seen in Unweaned Piglets

Eperythrozoonosis. (Epe). Epe is a hard disease to both sympathise and treat. The causative rickettsial organism, Eperythrozoon suis, is present in the claret of sows in both salubrious and diseased herds. In some piglets, it attaches itself to cerise claret cells and destroys them causing anemia. Affected piglets are weak, pale, and jaundiced, have scours and pneumonia, and endure loftier bloodshed. Earlier attempting to treat for Epe, information technology is very important to take your veterinarian confirm the diagnosis. The response to drug treatment is poor and, at the time of writing, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not canonical any drug for treating Epe. Eperythrozoon suis is spread by infected blood so, when attempting to command an epidemic, it is very important to clean and disinfect instruments between piglets when processing. Annihilation that can result in blood existence transferred betwixt piglets must be controlled including parasites, fighting, tagging, and injections.

Glasser's Disease. Glasser's Affliction is caused past Hemophilus parasuis which is present in well-nigh herds. It has get more important in contempo years with piglet mortality sometimes exceeding 50% in high-wellness status herds. The disease usually affects weaned pigs, but suckling piglets can exist affected. Oftentimes the heaviest, all-time looking, piglets die. Pigs are fevered, depressed, slow to rising, lack ambition, and have swollen joints. Some take nervous signs such as tremors. Earlier they die, the skin frequently turns blue and the eyes are reddened. The organism is hard to grow then diagnosis is commonly fabricated solely on clinical signs and postmortem findings. Hemophilus parasuis is sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics including the penicillins, tetracyclines, and ceftiofur. It is best to start treatment as early as possible and a combination of injectable and water medication is usually indicated. In problem herds, autogenous vaccines can be useful.

Parasites. (See PIH-05-04-01)

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). PRRS is usually just seen in unweaned piglets when the disease first infects a naive herd. Piglets may cough, sneeze, and have diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and difficulty breathing. Signs in individual herds will vary because of the effects of dissimilar secondary infections. Private piglets should be rehydrated and treated with antibiotics to command secondary infections. A herd control plan should be formulated in conjunction with the attending veterinarian.

Tetanus. Tetanus is rare in piglets but sometimes the causative bacterium, Clostridium tetani, volition infect piglets when they are castrated. Considering the incubation period is ane-10 weeks, signs are rarely seen until the pigs are at least two weeks old. Affected piglets are stiff, accept an erect tail, and facial muscle spasms. For problem herds, an constructive vaccine is available. Managers should review castration and other processing procedures to ensure they are using aseptic techniques.

Rarely Seen in Unweaned Piglets

The diseases mentioned higher up are the main ones plant in suckling piglets. Other diseases may rarely occur—when they practise, information technology is commonly associated with overwhelming infection in a naive herd. Those disease include: Mange, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Actinobacillosis suis, Brucellosis, Erysipelas, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, and Influenza.

Methods of Euthanasia for Baby Pigs

Euthanizing animals is an unpleasant simply necessary role of livestock farming. Producers often have to euthanize piglets because they are sick and suffering with fiddling-or-no take a chance of recovery. Some piglets should be euthanized considering if left to live they become a source of infection for their pen or littermates. This situation is especially important in the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) era when removing the poor-doing, PRRS- virus-conveying piglets is an important part of controlling the disease. In these and other similar situations, euthanasia is the humane and responsible solution.

Piglets should be euthanized by exposure to carbon dioxide or blunt mechanical trauma to the head. Electrocution is acceptable just it can be a human wellness safety hazard, and piglets must be candy one at a fourth dimension making it very time consuming. Controlled drugs (e.g., barbiturates) are very effective only present major man wellness risks and should be used only by veterinarians.

Carbon Dioxide

Obtain a cylinder of carbon dioxide, a regulator, a 50-gallon trash can and a supply of plastic trash numberless to fit the can. Take a trash bag and blow it upwards, like a balloon, with the carbon dioxide. This ensures that the bag is total of carbon dioxide. Place the bag in the trash can, add up to half-dozen piglets, and close the bag. The piglets will exhibit a physiologically induced short period of muscle spasms as they apace die from respiratory arrest. Exit the piglets for at least xv minutes, then open the purse and bank check each piglet to ensure that it has died earlier disposing of it normally. Your veterinarian can show you how to check for a heart beat and the corneal reflex.

Blunt Mechanical Trauma

Place the piglet on the footing and use a quick, firm blow with a blunt musical instrument, such as a hammer, to the piglet'south head. The bespeak to aim for is where two imaginary lines, fatigued from the base of each ear to the opposite eye, cantankerous. Alternatively, hold the piglet past its hind legs and forcefully hit the piglet's caput confronting a hard surface such every bit concrete. Immediately repeat the above procedures procedures if at that place is whatsoever possibility that the animal is still alive.

Subcontract managers demand to be sensitive to the aversion many people have to euthanizing animals and ensure they assign the task to someone who is comfortable with the job. Many people entering the pork industry nowadays do not take a farming groundwork and are not accustomed to routine farming practices. If people are not comfortable with the task and they discover no relief, their feelings can result in absenteeism, belligerence, or careless and callous treatment of animals, and high staff turnover.

Reference: On farm euthanasia of swine—Options for the producer. AASP and NPPC booklet.

Creep Feeding

Creep feeding is recommended beginning at almost 10 days of age for piglets weaned at 3 weeks of historic period and later. Sow milk yield typically plateaus at almost 12-xvi days of lactation indicating that sufficient nutrients volition non exist bachelor thereafter to sustain maximal piglet growth. For piglets weaned at less than three weeks of age, the value of pitter-patter feed is questionable, because they frequently consume very little feed. If creep feed is offered, use techniques to ensure piglets consume the feed.

Some management techniques that help amend creep feed intake are beneath.

  • Use the proper nutrition. The complication of the diet is a big factor affecting success of pitter-patter feeding. Piglets will consume more of a diet that has several speciality ingredients (due east.g., plasma proteins, whey, etc.) than a simpler one. A feed provided in a mini-pellet grade is preferred as well. Therefore, use a diet specially made for pitter-patter feeding.
  • Accept fresh water available. Piglets that accept access to fresh water eat more feed than those who don't. Special nipple waterers are available for piglets.
  • Go on the feed fresh. Piglets must exist attracted to the feed, which means feed cannot odour like the environment. Offer limited amounts of feed to the piglets several times daily and store the feed in a facility or room separate from pigs. Remove stale or uneaten feed from the farrowing quarters daily.
  • Make the feed hands accessible. When introducing creep feed, sprinkle modest quantities on the floor or in a shallow pan.

Split Weaning

Where piglet flow direction allows it, split weaning is a technique that can requite slower growing piglets a boost simply earlier weaning. The process involves weaning the heavier piglets in a litter a few days before weaning the smaller ones. This allows smaller piglets access to a larger milk supply with less competition. To ensure that smaller piglets in the litter volition do good from split up weaning, wean the heaviest piglets three to 5 days early.

This technique may shorten the weaning-to-estrus interval in sows, especially in those left with just a few piglets for the terminal couple days of lactation. This may alter breeding schedules slightly.

Figure i. How to hold a piglet Effigy two. A square knot; B. surgeon's knot.

Effigy 3. Clipping the navel cord.

Figure 4. Clipping the needle teeth.

Figure 5. Clipping the needle teeth.

Figure 6. Docking the tail. Exit almost a ane-inch stump.

Figure seven. Injecting fe into the cervix muscle.

Figure 8. Examples of ear-notching numbering systems: A. Universal ear-notching system using litter and individual pig numbers; B. Using individual grunter numbers.

Figure nine. Notching the left ear.

Effigy 10. One person castrating a young squealer.

Effigy 11. Castration using sidecutters: A. Making the incision; B. Exposing the testicles; C. Removing the testicles.

Figure 12. Castration procedure for pigs several weeks old: A. Making the incision; B. Squeezing out the testicles; C. Cutting the cord.


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